LSU Online Offers New Opportunity to Finish Degree | LSU Online

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LSU Online Offers New Opportunity to Finish Degree

Newsroom | Online Student Info Jan. 8, 2020
LSU Online graduate

LSU Online aids former students who would like to return to LSU to finish their degrees. With six online bachelor’s degrees currently and more on the way, LSU Online is now positioned to support any student ready to finish their degree at LSU — no matter how much time has lapsed.

“The team of enrollment and learner concierges at LSU Online provides a level of world-class customer service that sets that experience apart from any other university,” said Jason Shaw, Associate Director of Academic Affairs at the Cox Communications Academic Center for Student Athletes.

Staff and faculty at the Cox Center and across the university take great pride in providing a welcoming atmosphere for former students to return home to finish their degrees. The Cox Center has instituted Project Graduation, a program offered for students-athletes who would like to return to LSU to finish their degree. And for those who cannot make it back to the physical campus, that’s where LSU Online can be a viable option.

“Our goal is to make the process as streamlined and straightforward as possible to minimize the anxiety of coming back to school,” said Shaw. “LSU Online is another great option that we can present to student-athletes who want to finish their degree.”

Current LSU Online Bachelor’s Degrees include:

“Our faculty and staff have worked tirelessly to provide an online experience that holds the same rigor and status as an on-campus class,” said Sasha Thackaberry, vice president of LSU Digital & Continuing Education. “These students will earn the exact same diploma from a flagship university, but from anywhere in the world.”

All students interested in returning to LSU to finish their degree can start the process by consulting with their personal enrollment concierge to walk them through the application process. This team offers support in credentials, prerequisites, and financial aid. Once a student is admitted, they are partnered with a dedicated learner concierge, their one-stop resource from registration all the way to graduation.

Learn more about all LSU Online programs.

Ready to reach your goals?

Take the first step forward by completing the form and our enrollment team will contact you soon to discuss:

  • What program meets your academic and career goals
  • Financial aid options (employer funding, military benefits)
  • Receiving credit for past education (transfer, professional development)
  • The admissions process and timeline
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